Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sunflowers & Shopping

Addie was very excited this morning by the crop of dandelions in our yard. She cried, "Sunflowers Momma, look!" I had to tell her that those weren't sunflowers. Addie was still excited about the sunflowers 30 minutes later when we got to daycare. I told her she could pick a yellow flower for her teacher. She very carefully examined the available flowers and picked just one for her teacher. I had thought she would just randomly grab a handfull, but Addie spent some time considering which flower would be the best. Addie was extremely proud carrying in the flower and giving it to Alyse.

I did a little bit of shopping last night for our roadtrip to South Dakota. Mostly just snacks for us to eat in the car and some emergency non-dairy food for Lily. I wanted to have some options on-hand just in case there wasn't a large selection of dairy free food to give her. Normally I don't buy prepackaged food for Lily anymore (or at least not a lot) because it's just easier (and safer) not to. I don't have to read the label on broccoli or chicken breasts.

I can't tell you how disappointed I am in Gerber products. Almost all of their Graduates line (toddler food) has dairy in it. I was only able to find a couple of their soups that didn't have dairy. I have written to the company, and ask that you help me out and do the same. Gerber has a contact us area where you can email them a request. Please request that they develop some allergy friendly options in their Graduates line and that they clearly label the allergens in their foods. (Under the ingredients it should say "contains: wheat, dairy and soy")


Sue said...

Hi. You are more than welcome to do either - link to my post or copy it over.

I 100% agree with you on Gerber. I have stopped buying from them. They have one dairy-free Lil Entree (although I hardly buy them anymore so that may have changed) and their soups (which my girls won't eat anyway). Their labeling is horrible (I don't trust it) and the one great thing they had (veggie crackers), they changed to add dairy. I have actually called to complain a couple times but all they said was "we'll send you some coupons". DUH!

How old is Lily - is she just dairy allergic? My Kayla has a contact reaction and a gi reaction. Scary stuff. I will be putting up another allergy-related post tomorrow.

I'm glad you posted - I'll be back. I love to find other food allergy Moms. Good luck on your road trip - traveling with a food allergy can be so stressful!

Anonymous said...

stressful, you bet. Gas prices are so high, you could probably fly for less. And the sitting in the car, the food, the hotels, its all so stressful on littleones. One with a milk problem, the other sick with an ear problem.
good luck.

Sue said...

I tagged you.