Friday, March 30, 2007


Lily had her 12 month appointment this week. Aside from her actually loosing weight (a few ounces) from her last visit (at least she grew in height and head circumference or I'm sure they'd be discussing how horrible a mother I am!!) we got her tested for allergies. The good news is that she is not allergic to wheat. The bad news is that she is allergic to milk. And really, her levels were low enough that the dr. is fairly optimistic (I hope I can put those words in your mouth Shar) that she will grow out of it by age 2 or 3. That's the hope anyway. Soooo.... that means I can drink beer! However, we still need to read labels to make sure nothing has milk or casein in it. Nothing but soy cheese, soy yogurt and soy milk. Oh yeah, did I mention that there's a 10% chance that she would be allergic to soy as well? Sheesh! I guess we wait and watch on that one. In addition to taking milk out of our diet, I need to work on fattening her up. Since I don't want to give her junk and unhealthy stuff, I need to work on including healthy oils in her diet. Apparently coconut oil is really good, as is fish oil.

On a totally different note (in an attempt to make this less of a nutrition blog) we got the most adorable pictures taken last week. We got Addie and Lily's pictures taken with real live bunnies. I cannot believe how well behaved Addie was! Not that she's a badly behaved child, but when you take out a camera and ask her to sit still she just gets totally wild in a way that only a 2 1/2 year old can. However, you dangle the carrot of petting live bunnies in front of her, and she becomes a very well behaved little girl. I would love to show the pictures to you... unfortunately because they're professional pictures, I can't. Bummer. I haven't downloaded the pictures from Lily's birthday yet either... bad Momma!


Anonymous said...

"Dangle the carrot of a bunnie..." Interisting. If I recall correctly, Lily got the actual carrot dangled, and she ate it! Did any of those pictures turn out?

Anonymous said...

But does Lily NEED to be fattened up? Some kids are just stringbeans, and there's nothing that can be done....maybe she just has a good metabolism. As long as she's eating and growing, I would think she is fine... Just a formerly skinny Darla whose mom tried MANY ways of fattening me up...

Jess P. said...

Yes, she does need to be fattened up. She has lost weight since her 9 month appointment and that is not good. If she looses weight between now and her 15 month appointment, then they really start to worry. That will mean blood tests for a metabolic disorder. Being a string bean isn't bad, but a baby loosing weight is. Thank goodness she grew in length and head circumference or I'd be locked up for being a bad mommy!!

Anonymous said...

cheese free pizza-rolls
thats all im saying