Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Sorry for the sideways photo, does anyone know how to rotate the picture?

Addie's latest favorite thing in the whole world is playing in a sink full of bubbles. It will entertain her while I'm making dinner, cleaning up after dinner or just working on a project. Addie had to play with bubbles in Grandma Lesley's sink last weekend too. She looks so cute on the step stool!

She's getting to be such a big girl. She is learning so much so very fast. She now says "knit" when she sees my knitting. Tonight she had to kiss and hug Lily goodnight. Then she took her Minnie Mouse doll to bed with her. As I was saying goodnight and tucking her in, Addie gave Minnie her extra binkie. She constantly amazes me with how lovey she is!


If you look closely you can see the individual water droplets.
I'm so glad all of our family and friends could be there for Lily's baptism. It means so much to us that Fr. Tommy Thompson could baptise both our girls since he was the priest that married us and is a good friend.